Migrate Native BI Sources to OCF Connectors

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

You can migrate native BI sources to Open Connector Framework (OCF) connectors using the capabilities in the Alation UI: `Migrate a Source Using the Alation UI`_


Native BI sources can only be migrated one by one. The ability to migrate multiple sources at the same time is not supported.


Before performing the migration:

  • Migration capabilities are available from the Alation version is 2023.3.5.

  • You must first install the relevant OCF connector on your Alation instance. See Manage Connectors for directions. Make sure that the connector version is the latest.

  • Make sure you have saved the settings information for your BI source or made screenshots of its settings of the BI sources that you want to migrate.

  • Make sure that the MDE jobs are not running while you perform the migration.


  • For Tableau:

    • SSL certificates will not be migrated. Users need to upload the SSL certificate manually after the migration.

    • Curation information or logical metadata will not be migrated for BIReportColumns, BIDataSourceColumns, and UnpublishedDataSources. See the Post Migration Activity to restore that curation data.

  • For MicroStrategy:

    • Only GBM v2 enabled MicroStrategy servers can be migrated to MicroStrategy OCF connector.

Supported Data Sources

The BI sources listed in the following table are supported for single data source migration to OCF connectors:

Native BI Source

Equivalent OCF Connector

Tableau (Built-in)

Tableau OCF connector


MicroStrategy OCF

Post Migration Activity

  • Upload the SSL certificates in the Additional Settings page of your OCF BI source if the native BI source is authenticated with SSL.

  • For Tableau, see Tableau Post Migration Activity.