
How should I increase the default timeout value?


“[Simba][BigQueryJDBCDriver](100034) The job (SQL Query) has timed out on the server. Try increasing the timeout value.”


Navigate to the General Settings page of your data source or open Compose for this data source. Edit the JDBC URL and add TimeOut=<SECONDS>; to the end of the URL. Example: TimeOut=60;

What do I do if I get Response too large to return for Legacy SQL?


“Response too large to return for Legacy SQL”


If Legacy SQL is used for Compose, add: AllowLargeResults=1; to the Compose URI to resolve this issue.

An authentication error when connecting in Compose


“Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app”



Verify that the user account you are connecting with has access to the current Project in GCP.

Page Not Found (404) when authorizing with Google


“Does not compute. 404 I’m afraid we cannot find what you’re looking for - when trying to authorize with Google in Compose (after you click Authorize in the Google Authorization window):


Check that you are using the correct user account and that the OAuth certificate is uploaded to Alation (go to Settings > General Settings to check). You may be receiving the 404 error if the OAuth has not been uploaded and Alation is trying to authorize with a service account instead.