
Before you install the Elasticsearch OCF connector, ensure that you have performed the following:

Enable Network Connectivity

Open the outbound TCP port 9200 to the Elasticsearch server.

Create a Service Account

Create the service account for Elasticsearch, refer to Elasticsearch Service Account or use any relevant mechanism to create an ElasticSearch user/password for the service account.


Make sure that the service account has the following permissions:

  • auto_configure

  • delete (optional as the driver supports deletes)

  • delete_index (optional as the driver supports deletes)

  • index

  • read

  • view_index_metadata

  • write

Authentication Schemes

This section describes the prerequisites for the authentication schemes the Kafka OCF connector supports.


For API Key auth scheme:

  1. Generate API key; see Create API Key for more details.

  2. Generate API Key ID; see Get API key information API for more details.

AWS Root Keys

To authenticate using the AWS Root Keys Credentials or AWS IAM Roles auth schemes, create an AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key; Refer to Create a Access Key for Root User for more information.

Temporary Credentials and AWS IAM Roles

To authenticate using the Temporary Credentials auth scheme:

  1. Create an AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key; Refer to Create a Access Key for Root User for more information.

  2. Generate the AWS session token. This will have been provided alongside your temporary credentials. See AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide for more info.