
Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Migrating Logical Metadata

You can migrate the logical metadata from the Power BI instance connected using the older version of the Azure Power BI connector to the same Power BI instance connected using the Azure Power BI Scanner connector.


Prepare the following to migrate the metadata:

  1. The BI source that is configured with the old Power BI OCF Connector.

  2. The Power BI migration script: create a ticket with Alation Support about receiving the Power BI migration script.

  3. Make sure that the required Azure Power BI Scanner OCF connector has been installed on the Alation server. The installed OCF connector will be displayed on Admin Settings > Server Admin > Manage Connectors page.

  4. Configure the same Power BI instance (as in step 1) as a new BI Server source with the Azure Power BI Scanner connector and run the extraction.


The following information will be migrated from the old Power BI connector to the Azure Power BI Scanner connector:

  • Data source ID - The data source ID will remain the same.

  • Logical metadata such as values of the custom fields, data quality flags, @-mentions in the custom fields, @-mentions in articles, object sets, people sets, pickers, multi-select pickers, the title and description, tags, top users, and fields shared through catalog sets.


Perform the following steps to migrate the metadata:

  1. Copy the migration script that you received from Alation to the /tmp directory on the Alation host. If you use the example below, replace <ssh-user> with your username.

scp copy_powerbi_logical_data_to_scanner.py <ssh-user>@{alation-instance-ip}:/tmp
  1. Use SSH to connect to the Alation host.

  2. Enter the Alation shell:

sudo /etc/init.d/alation shell
  1. Stage the migration scripts in the .. code-block:: Bash one_off_scripts directory.

sudo cp /tmp/<Migration_Script>.py /opt/alation/alation/opt/alation/django/rosemeta/one_off_scripts
  1. Change user to alation:

sudo su alation
  1. Navigate to the .. code-block:: Bash one_off_scripts directory.

cd opt/alation/django/rosemeta/one_off_scripts/
  1. Find the SourceID of the connector. The SourceID of the datasource can be viewed in the browser URL when you view the datasource catalog page. In the below example, the SOURCE_ID would be 9.



  1. Run the migration script with the below command.

python <Migration_Script>.py -s <Old Power BI Connector_SourceID> -t <New Azure Power BI Scanner Connector_SourceID>
  1. Exit the shell:

  1. The migration status will not be stored in logs and will be displayed in the console only during the migration process.