Update Alation from Version 2024.1.4 or 2024.1.5 to Version 2024.3

Customer Managed Applies to customer-managed instances of Alation

Use the steps on this page to update Alation from versions 2024.1.4 or 2024.1.5 to version 2024.3.


For general information about upgrading to 2024.3, see Update Alation to 2024.3.

Step 1: Scan Postgres

We recommend using the scan_postgres action to validate that the internal Postgres database is in a healthy state before the update. For steps, see How to Scan Postgres for Corrupted Indexes.


If in your instance the Postgres scan runs on a schedule, you can check the scan-postgres.log file in /opt/alation/site/logs inside the Alation shell to check the Postgres state.

Step 2: Verify Backup Availability

Ensure you have a valid, up-to-date Alation backup. We recommend taking the most recent backup possible to closely match your current data.

Step 3: Update the Alation Application

Step 4: Update Alation Connector Manager

This step applies if you are using Open Connector Framework (OCF) and OCF connectors.

Update Alation Connector Manager using the steps in Update Alation Connector Manager.

Step 5: Update Alation Analytics

This step applies if you are using the Alation Analytics application.

Use the steps in Update Alation Analytics V2 to update the Alation Analytics application.