Alation Cloud Service Applies to Alation Cloud Service instances of Alation
Test Connection¶
If the test connection fails, make sure the access key, secret key, account ID, and AWS region are entered correctly.
Metadata Extraction¶
If metadata extraction fails and you get an
, it is a policy issue.If no folders are fetched, make sure the QuickSight shared folders are not empty.
Alation Connector Manager Logs¶
To tail:
docker logs -f agent
To write to a file:
docker logs agent >& agent.logs 2>&1
Connector Logs¶
The alation_ypireti
commands should be run from the Alation shell as the alation
To get the connector ID:
alation_ypireti list --fields id name
To get full logs:
alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs <connector_id>
To write logs to a file:
alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs <conector_id> > connector.log 2>&1
To write logs from specific date to a file:
alation_ypireti kratos --subcommand logs --since 2020-08-15 <connector_id> > connector.log 2>&1